Be A Master Prepper

Let’s face it. With the increase in global warming and other ecological imbalances happening in the world today, there is no denying that one needs to be prepared. Natural disasters strike without warning, and so it is always best to have an action plan in mind, if you want to survive one.

Fishing for Food

Here are some basic tips for beginners that will guide you in becoming a master prepper for whatever comes your way.

Keep it simple

It is quite natural to be overwhelmed as a newbie because there is just so much of information out there, and you don’t know where to begin. It is therefore advisable to keep things as simple as possible and start out by planning a basic three-day survival kit. Once you are experienced enough, you can plan for longer periods of time.

Store water

Clean water can be hard to come by when it is a disaster. For a family to survive a week, it is estimated that they would need at least 28 gallons of water. You could store this in your basement or garage in plastic food-grade quality barrels. Also, it helps to buy clearly filtered products that will help purify water. These are easily available in the market, too.

Stock up on non-perishables

Boxed meals, energy bars, granola, canned goods and ready-to-eat meals too. These will come in handy when disaster strikes.

Stay connected

If disaster strikes and the telephones are down, you need to have a plan of action to connect with your family. Decide on a meeting place which is centrally-located so that everyone can gather there during the emergency. Walkie talkies are another option.

Bank up on power

It is important that your survival kit includes basics like powerful flashlights, spare batteries, candles, a lighter or matches. For electricity backup, you could use solar panels. Also make sure you have a fully-charged power bank for your mobile phone, you never know when these might come in handy.

Cell phone

Copy your documents

Make a copy of all your important documents such as your ID, passport, driver’s license, medical history etc., and store them in a waterproof bag. They may seem the most inconsequential, but they will come handy. Yet another alternative is to scan them and store them in an USB drive or mail them to yourself.

Keep a packed bag handy

It is essential that everyone in the family has a bag that is handy so that they can simply pick it up and escape from a scene of disaster. The survival bag should ideally contain some clothes, a first aid kit, non-perishable food items, water, personal items (tampons etc.) and pet foods (if you have pets). Make sure you include outdoor items like a blanket, sleeping bag, a knife, matches, water filter, and even a small sum of money, in addition to flashlights and batteries. Readymade survival kits are available in the market too these days, so you could simply buy one. But, we promise you, building your own can be a whole lot of fun as well.

Learn basic survival skills

You can make this a fun activity. Learn basic survival skills such as building a fire, fishing, cooking over an open fire, and even CPR. You never know when these might come in handy. Maybe it’s time to brush the dust off your boy/girl scouts training.

cooking pot

So, are you ready to become a master prepper?

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